“C’era una volta un gufo”: incanto e disincanto in “The Brown Owl” di Ford Madox Ford
Although The Brown Owl was a successful fairy tale when first published in 1891, it has since been unjustly forgotten. The Brown Owl was Ford’s first work, written for his sister Juliet to reassure her after the saddest event of their life: their father’s death and the division of their family. The “fairy story” as Ford calls it, seems to follow the scheme of popular fairy tales but it was born out of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, which Ford frequented in those years and carries most of the features of the late Victorian literary aestheticism. Art for art’s sake, irony, disenchantment, longing for evasion, are among them. Ford himself later belittled his fairy tales defining them as “twaddle”, but fairy tale motifs peep out throughout his prose and seem to play an important role in his view of the world.
Full Text:
Hueffer, Ford Madox (1898) [1891], The Brown Owl, London, T. Fisher Unwin.
Ford, Ford Madox (1911) Memories and impressions: A Study in Atmosphere, New York, Harper & Brothers.
Ford, Ford Madox (1936), Vive Le Roy, Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Company.
Ford, Ford Madox (1938), Mightier than the Sword, London, George Allen & Unwin.
Ford, Ford Madox (1949) [1906], Christina’s Fairy Book, London, Latimer House.
Ford, Ford Madox (1965) [1894], The Queen Who Flew, New York, George Braziller.
Ford, Ford Madox (1982) [1924-28], Parade’s End, London, Penguin Books.
Greene, R. (1981), Ford Madox Ford: Prose and Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Goldring, D. (1948), The Last Pre-Raphaelite: A Record of the Life and Writings of Ford Madox Ford, London, MacDonald & Co LTD.
Harvey, D. (1962) Ford Madox Ford, 1873-1939: A Bibliography of Works and Criticism, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Lurie, A. (1980), “Ford Madox Ford’s Fairy Tales”, Children’s Literature, VII, 7-21.
Mizener, A. (1971) The Saddest Story: A Biography of Ford Madox Ford, New York, World.
Petzold, D. (1981), Das englische Kunstmärchen im neunzehnten Jahrhundert, Tübingen, Max Niemeyer Verlag.
Propp, V. (1928), Morfologia della fiaba, Torino, Einaudi 1988.
Tosi, L. (2007), La fiaba letteraria inglese, Venezia, Marsilio.
Von Franz, M.L. (1980), Le fiabe interpretate, Torino, Boringhieri.
Zipes, J. (1983), Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion, London, Heinemann.
Weiss T. (1984), Fairy Tale and Romance in the Works of Ford Madox Ford, Lahnam, University Press of America.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/ling-2013-001-mila
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