Describing the self through the photographic medium: the autobiographic fictions of John M. Coetzee, Roland Barthes and Edward Said
Full Text:
Anzaldúa, G.E. (1987), Borderlands/La Frontera – The New Mestiza, San Francisco, Aunt Lute Books.
Barthes, R.. (1975), Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes, Paris, Seuil, trans. Richard Howard as Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1994.
Barthes, R. (1977), Camera Lucida: reflections on photography, London, Cape.
Coetzee, J.M. (1998), Boyhood: scenes from provincial life, London, Vintage.
De Man, P. (1979), “Autobiography as De-facement”, MLN, XCIV, 5: 919-30.
Lejeune, P. (1975), Le Pacte Autobiographique, Paris, Seuil.
Rushdie, S. (1991), Imaginary Homelands, London, Granta.
Said, E. (1983), The World, the Text, and the Critic, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press.
Said, E. (1999), Out of Place: a memoir, London, Granta.
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Linguæ & - Rivista di lingue e culture moderne
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (06/04/2012 n. 185)
Online ISSN 1724-8698 - Print ISSN 2281-8952
Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali: Storia, Culture, Lingue, Letterature, Arti, Media
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Editor-in-Chief: Roberta Mullini
Editorial Board: Maurizio Ascari - Stefano Beretta - Antonio Bertacca- Tania Collani - Chiara Elefante - Marina Guglielmi - Maryline Heck - Richard Hillman - Reinhard Johler - Stephen Knight - Cesare Mascitelli - Sonia Massai - Aurélie Moioli - Maria de Fátima Silva - Bart Van Den Bossche
Editorial Staff: Margaret Amatulli - Alessandra Calanchi - Riccardo Donati - Ivo Klaver - Massimiliano Morini - Antonella Negri - Luca Renzi
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