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Fragments of theatrical revelations: James Joyce’s “Epiphanies”

Romana Zacchi


The essay proposes an approach to the Dramatic Epiphanies, Joyce’s early works, as self- contained pieces of dramatic writing. The tools of conversational analysis are applied to the texts, which reveal the author’s grasp on dramatic dialogue, his exploration of the turn-taking system in a dramatic text, and his ability to construct minimal verbal interactions, no matter what the topics are. Irony and self irony are also detected as features of the Epiphanies, later to become the trademark of Exiles, his only extant play, and of Joyce’s later narrative works.

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Joyce James (1986), Ulysses, The Corrected Text, Student’s Edition, Harmondsworth: Penguin.

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Linguæ & - Rivista di lingue e culture moderne
Registered by Tribunale di Milano (06/04/2012 n. 185)
Online ISSN 1724-8698 - Print ISSN 2281-8952

Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali: Storia, Culture, Lingue, Letterature, Arti, Media
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo

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