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Sondaggi sulla presenza di Pitagora negli scritti ciceroniani: le sezioni frammentarie del “de re publica” e il “de legibus”

Andrea Balbo


This paper is a part of a research work concerning Pythagoras' importance in Cicero's thought and aims to describe some aspects of the role of Pythagoras' figure in Cicero's treatises de re publica and de legibus (with exception for Somnium Scipionis). The analysis will deal with the passages where Pythagoras is mentioned or there is an explicit reference to Pythagoric doctrine; a little appendix concerns some little references to Architas, Zaleucus and Carondas: rep. 1,16; 1,59; 1,60; 2,28; 2,29; 3,19; leg. 1,33; 2,14; 2,26. From the examination of the passages it is possible to extract the certainty of the importance of Pythagoric thought in Cicero's works, even if it is impossible to define exactly the boundaries of this influence, because many Pythagoric elements were a part of the Roman cultural context in this age.


Cicero, Pythagoras, De re publica, De legibus, Philosophy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/erga-2013-002-balb

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Erga-Logoi. Rivista di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità
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